
Bob Vollmer

Piano Buddy

Progression Tabler



Type A Progression:

Practicing chord progressions will make your chord changes so familiar that they become intuitive. Practicing progressions also sounds very musical, which makes practice sessions much more enjoyable.

This page provides a method of creating a table of the progression of your choice. Each row of the table represents a Major Key. It will show the chords of your progression for that key. The order of the rows follows the circle of fourths beginning with the key of C and ending with the key of G. Why? Because it's a more melodious progression than to progress by half steps through the 12 keys. And there is a big plus factor in moving to a key that has only one more black key. For example, moving from F to its fourth of Bb is a lot easier than moving diatonically from F to Gb.

Progressing in fourths also groups all the flatted keys together and all the sharped keys together. I like that better than progressing diatonically which would alternate between sharped and flatted keys. If you play your chart from top to bottom, you will follow the circle of fourths. Play from bottom to top and you follow the circle of fifths. As I play the circle of fourths, I transition from one key to the next by playing a I7. When playing the circle of fifths I transition with i.

To create a chord practice chart:

In the progression box above, type the progression you would like charted using standard Roman numeral format. So major chords will be I II III IV V VI VII. Minor chords will be i ii iii iv v vi vii. If you want a seventh, just append a 7. If you want a diminished, just append a dim. The example shown below is my favorite because it helps me practice the majors, minors, diminished and seventh chords of each key, in order by fourths, which sounds melodious.

Your chart will appear on a new page so you can view it or print it without seeing all the stuff on this page. Just click the Progression Tabler button and you will come back here so you can make another chart.

Here is the chart for the I-IV-VIIdim-iii-vi-ii-V7-I progression:
To get started, just copy and paste those Roman numerals into the box at the top.
Then click the View It button to view the printable table.
Click the button at the bottom of your table to come back here.
Edit the progression to make a different table.

C F Bdim Em Am Dm G7 C
F Bb Edim Am Dm Gm C7 F
Bb Eb Adim Dm Gm Cm F7 Bb
Eb Ab Ddim Gm Cm Fm Bb7 Eb
Ab Db Gdim Cm Fm Bbm Eb7 Ab
Db Gb Cdim Fm Bbm Ebm Ab7 Db
Gb Cb Fdim Bbm Ebm Abm Db7 Gb
B E A#dim D#m G#m C#m F#7 B
E A D#dim G#m C#m F#m B7 E
A D G#dim C#m F#m Bm E7 A
D G C#dim F#m Bm Em A7 D
G C F#dim Bm Em Am D7 G