
Bob Vollmer

Piano Buddy

Class Text


My choice of a class text for starting out
is "Alfred's Basic Adult Piano Course"
ISBN 0-88284-616-7

Actually only the first 29 pages of this book are used in the Beginner 1 class. Those few pages take us from no knowledge of playing to reading both clefs and introducing chords.

Class textThere are lots of things to like about this text. To begin with, I think the authors do a great job of presenting the material. The topics are very well organized, with each one building on the previous one. The illustrations are plentiful and colorful and really clarify the topics

Think Pink!

Every page has new material and it is always in a pink box so you have no trouble finding it. This makes it easy to see what to concentrate on and add to your knowledge of music theory. It also lets you do a quick review of everything before going to class.

Start Slow & Grow

The beginning exercises only use one hand at a time, and the note-heads identify the note. Even when they present the Grand Staff, one hand rests while the other plays. After a while the letters sort of fade away and you won't even miss them.

Intervals appear before chords and chords are introduced on page 18 (lesson four). Even if you decide to go the chord route, this introduction to the bass clef will help you understand how to keep a beat and harmonize with broken chords.

Some Nice Songs
  • Mary Anne in lesson 6
  • What Can I Share in lesson 7
  • When the Saints Come Marching In in lesson 8

I believe that after you master this book, which ends with "The Entertainer" and "Amazing Grace", you will be ready for private lessons. The inventory of musical knowledge you acquire here will save you money because your teacher can concentrate on improving your play and will not have to spend time on teaching the very basics of musical theory.


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